EXPANDED - Scheduled activities during the Second Anniversary of Katrina-Rita National Call to Action
Updated August 29
The following is a listing of New Orleans events, ranging from mass demonstrations and vigils and art exhibits to to policy roundtables and prayer breakfasts and concerts, compiled from a few sources and organizing bodies including the
National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, the
African-American Leadership Project, and
TheNewOrleansAgenda.com among others -- all fine, dedicated organizations that are working in a broader coalition to organize a meaningful national commemoration of the second anniversaries of
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. These are tentative schedules that were posted as of today, and we encouraged those interested in participating to consult the source websites for schedule updates.
We will be adding information about additional actions on an ongoing basis, and urge you to leave us a comment here including the date, time, location and description if you know of events/actions not listed here! If you want to receive alerts when we post updates, you can subscribe to our feed -- either the main one or using the "katrina" category (XML Feed).
We also encourage those visiting town to consult the list of diverse events posted at NOLA Live.
Jump to:
9:00 AM CDT
“Hope & Recovery Summit” with U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu
University of New Orleans - Lindy C. Boggs International Conference Center Auditorium,
2045 Lakeshore Drive, New Orleans, LA 70122DESCRIPTION: All-day summit will include five panel discussions with national and local leaders on key issues related to hurricane recovery and preparedness: Coastal Protection, Levees and Infrastructure; Education; Business Recovery; Rebuilding the Criminal Justice System; and Housing and Sustainable Community Recovery, followed by remarks and a question and answer session with Presidential candidates, including Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., former Sen. John Edwards, D-N.C., former Governor Mike Huckabee, R-Ark., and Congressman Duncan Hunter, R-Calif. "Every Democratic and Republican Presidential candidate was invited to participate, and others are expected to join the Presidential Forum.
For updates and the complete listing of panels and speakers, see Sen. Landrieu's site
7-7:30 PM
LOCATION: 9600 block of Haynes Boulevard
For more information: Call Candace Richards at (504) 658-1055 or Sabrina Montana at (504) 658-1040.
7 A.M. – 5 P.M.
UNITY Day of Community Service
LOCATION: Various locations around New Orleans
DESCRIPTION: NCBCP, National Urban League, AFL-CIO, NAFEO, The Advancement Project, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, American Federation of Teachers, A. Philip Randolph Institute, Black Leadership Forum, Blacks In Government, Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, International Association of Black Firefighters, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, The People’s Agenda, The Praxis Project and Saving Our Selves Coalition, and volunteers will join volunteers from across the country for a Day of Service assisting in environmental cleaning up of damaged neighborhoods, schools and churches in New Orleans and we will visit the sick and elderly in the few nursing homes that have reopened including Guste Home Senior Citizens Highrise. Volunteers will help to paint, pressure wash and repair play grounds in a local public school and remove contaminated top soil from communities. Our goal is to personally touch as many survivors as physically possible to let the people of the Gulf know that we will not let the country forget the devastation that still exists in the Gulf. Day of Service organized by Deep South Center for Environmental Justice at Dillard University, Mount Zion United Methodist Church, AALP, Urban League of Greater New Orleans, Rainbow PUSH New Orleans, Millions More Movement and LA Unity Coalition.
RosariaBeasley@bellsouth.net or call the Urban League of Greater New Orleans at 504-620-2332
12 PM- 5 PM
LOCATION: 2089 Caton St.
DESCRIPTION: A program of prayers, stories and inspiration with the Rev. Al Sharpton, BET's Cousin Jeff, local and national speakers, free food, and hip-hop from Nuthin But Fire label artists. Sponsored by the New Orleans Survivor Council and Residents of Public Housing. Call (888) 310-7473. (Reported in NOLALive.)
1:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.
Gulf Coast Public Policy Forum
Preparing To Move: A Strategic Legislative Dialogue With Congressional Leaders
Hosted by Gulf Coast Collaborative
Recovery & Renewal
Louisiana Justice Institute
LOCATION: Dillard University in Lawless Memorial Chapel The August 28th session will feature two two-hour town hall meetings with Gulf Coast residents discussing recovery and renewal efforts ranging from housing and economic development to education and the environment. One session will begin at 1:00 a.m. and a second session will start at 4:00 p.m. Expected to participate are national policymakers, including Representative Sheila Jackson-Lee (Texas), Representative William Jefferson (Louisiana), Representative Bennie Thompson (Mississippi) and Representative Maxine Waters (California). Dillard University is located in the storm racked Gentilly section of New Orleans.
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Tracie Washington at http://www.louisianainstitute.org/ OR Gulfcoastforum@gmail.com
6:30 PM – 9:30 PM
BWR Celebrate Our Sisters of the Gulf Coast
Dialogue & Recognition Ceremony
LOCATION: Loew’s Hotel
DESCRIPTION: NCBCP Black Women’s Roundtable hosts “Celebrating Our Sisters of the Gulf Coast” Dialogue & Recognition Ceremony. NCBCP, Louisiana Unity Coalition and Saving Our Selves Coalition will recognize women from the region who have worked tirelessly to assist hurricane survivors and advocate for comprehensive recovery and rebuilding of the Gulf Coast. The evening will include dinner, music, poetry, comedy, and the presentation of certificates of recognition. Each roundtable will consist of people from different regions, elected officials, and celebrity guests dispersed throughout the crowd to allow the women to share their successes and challenges on a more personal level. Speakers include: Susan Taylor, Editorial Director, Essence Magazine and Iyanla Vanzant, author, radio host and spiritual leader.
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Latosha Brown at latoshab@truthspeaks.info or Ruby Pulliam at events@ncbcp.org.
6:30 PM – 9:30 PM
BWR Celebrate Our Sisters of the Gulf Coast
Dialogue & Recognition Ceremony
LOCATION: Loew’s Hotel
DESCRIPTION: NCBCP Black Women’s Roundtable hosts “Celebrating Our Sisters of the Gulf Coast” Dialogue & Recognition Ceremony. NCBCP, Louisiana Unity Coalition and Saving Our
Selves Coalition will recognize women from the region who have worked tirelessly to assist hurricane survivors and advocate for comprehensive recovery and rebuilding of the Gulf Coast. The evening will include dinner, music, poetry, comedy, and the presentation of certificates of recognition. Each roundtable will consist of people from different regions, elected officials, and celebrity guests dispersed throughout the crowd to allow the women to share their successes and challenges on a more personal level. Speakers include: Susan Taylor, Editorial Director, Essence Magazine and Iyanla Vanzant, author, radio host and spiritual leader. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Latosha Brown at latoshab@truthspeaks.info or Ruby Pulliam at events@ncbcp.org.9:30 PM – 10:00 PM
BWR Old-School Dance Therapy
LOCATION: Loew’s Hotel
DESCRIPTION: To make sure our appetizing dinner is thoroughly digested and prepare for the long day ahead of us, we’ll have a 30-minute boogie session to end the night, hosted by LA Unity Coalition.

7:30 am – 9:00 am
Unity Prayer Breakfast
LOCATION: Loew’s Hotel
DESCRIPTION: Our journey to wellness will address our spiritual health with a morning Unity Prayer Breakfast co-hosted by Marc Morial, President & CEO of the National Urban League and Melanie Campbell, ED & CEO, NCBCP.
Groundreaking Ceremony for Hurricane Katrina Memorial
8:30 AM
LOCATION: Charity Hospital Cemetery, 5056 Canal St.
DESCRIPTION: Mayor Ray Nagin; Gen. Russel Honore; U.S. Rep. William Jefferson; state Rep. Juan LaFonta; the Rev. Stephen John Thurston, president of the National Baptist Convention of America; and Irvin Mayfield Jr.
8:30 AM
Sacred Heart Academy Memorial Service
LOCATION: In the courtyard at Sacred Heart Academy, 4521 St. Charles Ave.
DESCRIPTION: Kindergarten through 12th-grade students will participate in the services, which include ringing the Katrina Bell of Remembrance donated to the city on the first anniversary. Call Sarah Comiskey at (504) 596-3023 or e-mail scomiskey@archdiocese-no.org.
9 AM - 9 PM
Loyola University of New Orleans
All-Day Screenings of Spike Lee's When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts
LOCATION: Manresa Den, Bobet 107, Loyola University Campus
DESCRIPTION: Part of an all-day series of memorial events, also including Masses at Noon and 9PM; a special Katrina Prayer Service at 4:50 PM by the St. Ignatius statue in front of the Danna Center; and a week-long Katrina Anniversary Memorial display including stories, prayers, and mementos from Loyola community members.
10 AM
People’s Hurricane Relief Fund March Commemorating the Great Flood
LOCATION: Industrial Canal in the Lower 9th Ward to Congo Square
DESCRIPTION: The People’s Hurricane Relief Fund, a non-profit group created to win the right of return with equity and justice for all those displaced as a result of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita by building a multi-national mass movement, and to ensure that the civil and human rights of all New Orleans and Gulf Coast residents are respected and implemented throughout the United States. International Tribunal on Hurricanes Katrina and Rita to take place at the Pan American Conference Center at 4 pm.
For more information: http://www.peopleshurricane.org/ or (504) 301-0215
12 Noon
Memorial Mass
Xavier University
LOCATION: University Chapel
Xavier University of Louisiana Campus Ministry will celebrate a special memorial Mass on Wednesday – the 2nd anniversary of Hurricane Katrina – with reflections by select members of the Xavier community. Everyone is invited to pray at 12 noon at the University Chapel.
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM Day of Presence National Call to Action (Rally & Call to Action) LOCATION: Across from Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
A Day of Presence is a national Call to Action co-convened by national, regional and locally-based organizations and leaders to demand justice NOW with and for the people of the Gulf Coast Region. National and regional co-conveners include: NCBCP, National Urban League, Children’s Defense Fund, Louisiana Unity Coalition, LA Justice Institute, AALP, Millions More Movement, NAACP, Rainbow PUSH Coalition, National Action Network, The Praxis Project, The Advancement Project, Greater New Orleans Urban League, New Orleans Rainbow PUSH, Saving Our Selves Coalition, Alabama Coalition on Black Civic Participation, Mississippi Coalition on Black Civic Participation and many others, (there will be additional national and local groups joining as co-conveners as the organizing progresses). Guests include Susan Taylor, Angie Stone, Lyn Whitfield, Judge Mablean Ephram, Michael Eric Dyson and Iyania Vanzant. For more information, see ADayofPresence.com, contact NCBCP National Headquarters, or call Cheryl Duncan at (201) 332-8338 or Edrea Davis at (770) 961-6200. |
4 PMKatrina Time Capsule ceremony at Nunez Community CollegeLOCATION: Nunez auditorium, Nunez Community CollegeDESCRIPTION:
Nunez Community College invites the public to an Aug. 29 ceremony in which a time capsule containing memorabilia will be buried on campus, marking the second anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. The capsule will be opened on the 10th anniversary of the storm. The ceremony is part of a full day of activities in
St. Bernard Parish observing the anniversary. Nunez officials said the public can share documents, pictures, or other memorabilia to be placed in the time capsule; these were submitted according to exacting specifications by Aug. 24.
For more information:
St Bernard Parish Government Memorial Events Schedule7 PM
Candlelight Walk and Vigil at Jackson Square
Location: Jackson SquareDESCRIPTION (from NOLALive): Wednesday, 7 p.m., at Jackson Square. Citizens, officials and celebrities will hold a silent vigil. Call (504) 301-0215.
[Check for Updates at http://www.aalp.org/and http://www.theneworleansagenda.com/ ]
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
A Lecture series that raises questions that situates Katrina in the broader context of the historic struggle for Black liberation and human justice.
Participants include Dr. Al Colon – African World Studies Dept., Dillard University; Dr. Toni Muhammad – U. of LA-Lafayette; Dr. James Turner – Africana Studies Dept., Cornell University; Mtangulizi Sanyika – African American Leadership Project Manager.
For more information, see http://www.aalp.org/.
NATIONAL DIALOGUE - "State of Recovery"
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm
A two part panel that examines the "State of the Recovery" and disaster readiness and rebuilding of Cities as new national priorities.
6:00 pm - 7:20 pm
"State of the Recovery" a conversation with Dr. Ed Blakely and alternative/community media.
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
"Getting ready for hurricanes and rebuilding cities as new emerging national priorities" - A panel of nationally distinguished practitioners, organizers, advocates, citizens and policy planners.
12:30 pm
Program participants gather and process from City Council chambers.
1:00 pm
Program and cultural events at the Superdome.
3:30 pm
Circling of the Dome.