Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Seems far away, but it's not: a Spring/Summer internship

From our sister-site, IMDiversity: For the long holiday weekend, IMD wil be running a number of Featured Internships, some of which are, yes, already coming up on application deadlines for the summer.

For the industrious students looking to line up their ducks with plenty of lead-time, stop by and check them out. For the procrastinators among us, it looks like there are still some accepting applications for spring as well, but they're going fast.

Meanwhile, a few insider tips from the editors:

On our site or on other job sites, click on any internship with a major national employer if the title interests you, even if it is identified as being in another location. During the big intern hiring season, the big employers often have the same internship slots open at many hiring locations, but only a few locations may be advertised or at the top of a search result.

Often, when you click through to apply to an internship listed at a specific location, you will be redirected to a special internships section on the employer's website with an application form that is for the entire intern pool nationwide, not just at that one location.

Also: If you see an internship posting you like, save a copy or print it out right away. If a good internship is close to its deadline, the posting may be about to expire on the database when you catch it, so best to have a backup.

Also: When customizing a database search for internships, make sure to try variants of a keyword (try "intern" and "internships" and "interns" or "coop" and "co-ops").

Also again: On our sites and many other job sites, you can program an automated alert agent to send you emails with all future internships in your target area or field. They might take a little while to refine and schedule the first time, but the effort can be well worth it, so you might want to spend a little of your Thankgsiving down-time getting a head-start on finding your spring or summer gig.

Good luck!